Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. Psalm 96:2b
Depression steals hope. It blinds me to Truth. When I can’t believe Truth, I can’t feel hope.
Here on Fruit of Brokenness, I share my struggles with mental illness. I’m honest about my despair. But also about hope.
I don’t have to feel hope to be held by it. Just because God hasn’t given me the victory of healing doesn’t mean He has withheld victory.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made; I am fearfully and wonderfully broken.
This, this, is what He has given me to give to others who are struggling.
…but what I do have I give to you… Romans 3:6
Because I Forget
While my call is to comfort others with the comfort I receive (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) in this area of brokenness, it’s not just to others I must proclaim the good tidings of God’s salvation.
I need to constantly proclaim Truth to myself.
I am His.
I have a purpose.
My brain may go sideways, but God holds me through the darkness and brings me out on the other side.
Even when I can’t see Light, it shines.
I’ll say with John Newton, ‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.
Listen When He Speaks
In my first two days of Listen When He Speaks, this is how God has spoken to me through His Word. The phrases on which He stopped me in Psalm 96 and Acts 3 dovetailed perfectly and spoke to me where I am in a new year and a new approach to blogging.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to end the year the same as I am now. In God’s strength I can get past the self-doubt that hobbles me since I fell so far into the darkness. Together, we’ll root out the lies that defeat me.
I’m learning that light shines brighter when we hold it up to light someone else’s path.
Hope grows stronger when extended to others.
We are encouraged when we encourage.
In brokenness and despair, I have been given grace and hope. What I have, I give.
If you’d like to join me in the Listen When He Speaks Scripture reading and writing plan, you can learn more here or sign up here.
I’m believing this… “In God’s strength I can get past the self-doubt that hobbles me since I fell so far into the darkness. Together, we’ll root out the lies that defeat me,” with you, Melinda! May Jesus answer this proclamation in ways that you could never have imagined…
Wendy Munsell recently posted…A Clean Slate
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I first wrote that… passively… It was like my heart was saying, Okay, I know you can do these things, God, but I’m not going to just throw myself into it; I know others need to know it’s possible, but I’m not ready for the necessary hard work and trust. I need to stop being lazy and scared. I still pulled back to “can get past” instead of “will get past” but am committed to stop using what I couldn’t do as an excuse for not doing, and just letting myself drift.
Thank you for noticing that part and commenting.
Love this and cannot wait to see more. Will be sharing. thank you!
marie recently posted…What is Christmas Joy
Thank you, Marie. I love how God speaks to us where we are to lead us on.
Thank you, Marie!
Thank you for the reminder that healing is a process!
I love your heart and ministry, and this looks like a wonderful series..our greatest gift and New Year’s focus is listening to God’s voice! We are each given brokenness, and gifts to share with the world and you are doing this with such humility. Thank you!
Thank you, Kathy. Yes, we each are given brokenness and gifts to share. Without brokenness, we’d never know we need God, and we couldn’t be blessed to comfort others in theirs.
Thank you for your comment.