Well, Friends, I’m starting with an apology for the lateness of the first list of 2022, especially to those who like to do your Scripture reading and writing in the morning. I thought I had the themes of the year set, and the January list was coming along. I’d written the email announcement that is now different. Things kept getting in the way of finalizing the January list.
The 2018 Listen When He Speaks themes were the Fruits of the Spirit, with a few others that fit rounding out the twelve. Again in 2022 we’ll look at Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control in the months of February through October. In January I thought we’d be reading and writing about HOPE, which we have because of Christ and His work for and in and through us. And I don’t know anyone who couldn’t use reminders of why we have hope. As in 2018, November and December will be for Gratitude and Generosity respectively, which also flow from a life connected to the Vine.
And that brings me back to January. A migraine and its exhausted lethargic hangover got the best of me in the final days of 2021. I woke up this morning planning to finalize the HOPE list, put together the graphics, and send it out… but, nope. It was like running into a wall. Again.
The fruits of the Spirit depend on the work of the Spirit. All year we’ll be looking at the results of abiding in Christ. And that’s where I suddenly, finally realized we need to start.
Welcome to 2022…
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