Listen When He Speaks 2018 Themes

Listen When He Speaks, November 2018: GratitudeNovember: Gratitude

…While gratitude, like the Fruits of the Spirit, grows in us as we abide in Christ, it also requires choice, will, and effort to live out. Like praise, gratitude demands expression even when we don’t feel it. When we choose to thank and worship God even when it hurts, our pain is transformed. It may still hurt, but we open our hearts to the balm of a deeper relationship with God. We grow. We heal. When we seek and embrace grace despite the package it comes wrapped in, we can be filled and blessed to have it spill out of us into others’ lives…   READ MORE

Listen When He Speaks, October 2018: Self-ControlOctober: Self-Control

Christian behavior. It’s a matter of the heart, right? It’s being transformed from the inside out. But is that all it is?
…On one side are the rule-makers, the ones who believe our behavior earns God’s favor…
On the other, those for whom grace is license…   READ MORE

Listen When He Speaks, September 2018: GentlenessSeptember: Gentleness

When I think of gentleness, I think of a mother with her infant or injured child. I think of the breathless stillness when a butterfly alights on you. A lover holding their beloved when they’re in pain. A calm response in the face of anger…

It’s a mistake to think gentleness is weak…   READ MORE

Listen When He Speaks, August 2018: FaithfulnessAugust: Faithfulness

It seems all of God’s most faithful in the Bible had moments they slipped from obedience and following God’s commands. It can be comforting, right? I mean, if they messed up, there’s hope for us.
It’s okay to remember that our sin, even after accepting God’s lordship, can be forgiven, and that we can be restored to useful service. But we can’t use others’ missteps to rationalize our sin…  READ MORE

We're looking at the Fruits of the Spirit on Fruit of Brokenness. This month's Listen When He Speaks theme is Goodness. Join us? July: Goodness

…Although the exact word for [various Fruits of the Spirit] may not appear many times in Scripture, we see plenty of examples of people living them… or living the opposite of them and experiencing the consequences.
One is the character in a story Jesus told to illustrate how we are to love others, the second-most important commandment in Scripture. Jesus didn’t call him the Good Samaritan, but we do… READ MORE

The June 2018 Listen When He Speaks theme is KINDNESS. It's another Fruit of the Spirit the world could use more of, don't you think?June 2018: Kindness

Kindness… another Fruit of the Spirit that’s difficult to define, and that the world could use more of. We recognize it when we see it. And appreciate when we receive it… unless we’re hobbled by pride…
Some people are more naturally attuned to the needs of others. They see others more clearly and notice when they could use a smile, encouraging word, or help with a task – all those little things that can make a big difference…   READ MORE

The Listen When He Speaks, May 2018 theme is... PATIENCEMay: Patience

When I was younger, quite a bit younger, I recognized how the microwave was continuing to change the way my generation approached waiting. Our grandparents experienced the first fast food. Our parents saw the birth of TV dinners. One day I visited a friend and saw a hot dog stuck in an electrical box and cooked in a minute. I was impressed. May parents thought it was ridiculous. I mean, how long does it take to cook a hot dog without a microwave, any way, right?!?   READ MORE

Listen When He Speaks, April 2018: Peace April: Peace

Yup, like love and joy, peace is another Fruit of the Spirit that is in short supply. Global. Societal. Relational. Personal. Can we truly have peace in the midst of all the outer turmoil?
Peace begins with understanding and trusting God’s character. The more we understand and accept reality and the order of the universe as God created it, the deeper our peace can grow. It becomes unshakable. I’m not there yet. In fact, I have quite a way to go. How about you?  READ MORE

Listen When He Speaks, March 2018: Joy March: Joy

If you Google the definition of joy, you get “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Okay, so that’s a dictionary definition of joy, but wouldn’t it be cool if Googling joy actually brought a feeling like that?

…There’s nothing wrong with feeling “great pleasure and happiness,” but the Biblical Fruit-of-the-Spirit joy is more than that…  READ MORE

Listen When He Speaks February 2018: Love February: Love

Love… We hear the word all the time. Like me, you may use it too much…
love those boots! I love the color of your top! I love hot cocoa… especially with whipped cream… Mmmm, whipped cream, I love whipped cream…
But we all know that’s not the best the word can mean…  READ MORE

Listen When He Speaks 2018... From New Beginnings through the Fruits of the Spirit to Gratitude and Generosity. Join us?January: New Beginnings

I’m grateful I haven’t yet run out of mine in this life, and that the best is yet to come. All the tarnish of my new beginnings grown old will be wiped away as time gives way to eternity….